Creating a new account is easy. Click 'GET STARTED' from the homepage or Click here , it will take you to the signup page. Fill out the forms with your correct details and submit

Once you submit to us, a confirmation email will be sent to the email you provided to us. Click the 'Verify Button' to activate your account.

Click on Account Login from the menu or click here . Now login with the username or email with the password you provided. Make sure you keep your password safe. In order to create a strong password, use special characters, capital letters and make sure your password is long and easy to remember.

Click on forgotten password from the login screen. Enter the email you used in registration. A link will be sent to your email to reset your password

Login into your account using your username/email and password. Select Fund Transfer. Select either local or international transfer. Fill the forms and submit to us for review and approval.

TAC code is know as Transfer Access Code(TAC). This is needed to complete your transfer. In order to get TAC code, contact our Live customer service.

Once you complete your transfer, we need to review and approve it. Once we are done, an email/text message will be sent to you.

Login in with your details. Once you are logged in, select transaction history from the left menu. All transactions done will be listed.

Login in with your details. Once you are logged in, select transaction history from the left menu. All transactions done will be listed. click print to print it.